PIC16F877A Development Board 2
In StockMoratuwa: 0 in stock
Available on backorder
This item is out of stock now. However we can import it within 10 working days if you can pay us 50% advance money.
මෙම අයිතමය තොග අවසන් වී ඇත. කෙසේ වෙතත්, ඔබට 50% ක අත්තිකාරම් මුදලක් ගෙවිය හැකි නම්, වැඩ කරන දින 10 ක් ඇතුළත අපට එය ආනයනය කළ හැකිය.
- Chip : PIC16F877A
- 8 LEDs
- 4 common anode digital tube
- 1×4 independent keys
- 4×4 matrix key
- DS1302 clock chip
- DS18B20 temperature sensor (temperature detection and display)
- AT24C02 I2C external memory
- Internal EEPROM read and write
- LCD1602 LCD interface
- LCD12864 LCD interface
- In built buzzer
- SP232 chip RS232 communication
- ADC potentiometer input conversion
- 1×4 seven segment displays
- USB power supply interface
- DC motor interface (PWM to achieve speed)
- Stepper motor interface
- Infrared receiver
- 1 channel relay
- PS2 keyboard interface
- External reset circuit